Tuesday 27 March 2012

3 Tips for Weight Loss Motivation

Weight loss is one of those things that we all want to do, but we hate going through the process. For many people who have been successful in losing weight, they generally credit certain weight loss motivation techniques that they have used in order to endure the countless hours of training, tasteless diets, and overall lifestyle changes.

In fact, weight loss motivation is probably the single most important element to losing weight. Most experts and laymen agree that if you aren’t motivated to lose weight bad enough, you won’t be willing to go through the trials and tribulation it takes to lose weight. They also agree that if your weight loss motivation is high enough, you will take the necessary steps to getting into tiptop shape.

In order to lose weight properly and increase your weight loss motivation, there are several techniques that you can utilize. If you are really serious about losing weight, then you can do to ensure that it happens as quickly as it needs to.

Weight Loss Motivation Tip #1: Get a Partner or Group for Accountability

It is not hard to find others around you who want to lose weight. You can go through your phone list or Facebook friends and find a handful of people who are in the same boat that you are in. Once you find them, you can start a weekly check-in so that each person will have to report what they have done in regards to weight loss over the past week. Just the fact that you must check in with someone other than yourself will keep your weight loss motivation levels high.

Weight Loss Motivation Tip #2: Plan a Trip to the Beach

Most people love to get their bodies slim for the summer time. If you want to wear a bikini in public, then plan a trip to do just that. When you have a goal that you are working toward, it always adds a good element to your weight loss motivation. A planned trip puts a deadline on your plans to lose weight.

Weight Loss Motivation Tip #3: Take an Unflattering Picture of Yourself

Sometimes the only weight loss motivation that we need is to look at ourselves. When you put your picture up somewhere, it really can motivate you to get into shape. Take the picture and put it somewhere that you can see it. Look at it at least once a week while you are losing those pounds. That will keep your motivation up.

Weight loss is something that everyone covets, but it is not that easy. More people fail at losing weight than succeed, so you need every weapon you have to maintain your motivation. Without them, you can fall into the group of people that hopelessly give up each year after they swore they would keep their New Year’s resolutions. This time you can be different, utilizing a few tips for weight loss motivation, and get into that slim new figure in no time.

Get Fit Outside of the Gym

If you've got an hour here and there, you've got no excuse for not working out regularly. With obesity of the rise, exercise is increasing in importance all the time. The health benefits and weight loss that working out provide are enough positives to get you moving, but if you still need that extra little boost, remember that people who work out are often happier than those who don't. They experience fuller and more satisfying social lives.

What To Do

So you're ready to work out but you don't know what to do? That's where we come in. No matter what your resources are, we've got options for you. Remember, the best exercise plans combine strength training with cardio. Also, it's good to consult a doctor before you begin any new exercise regimen. They know your health, and they can offer personalized tips and strategies. They may even have additional exercise suggestions. With that said, here are some exercise options that you have available to you in a variety of different situations.

At The Gym

The gym is the first place most people head when they want to lose a few pounds. You have so many choices! If you like solitary activities, there are loads of exercise equipment and weight machines to assist you. If you prefer the accountability and fun of a class, you have that available as well. Here are some examples of what you can do at the gym:

•    Walking or jogging on the treadmill (always a favorite!)
•    Aerobics, spin, or Zumba classes
•    Swimming or water aerobics
•    Circuit training
•    Elliptical work
•    Weight machine reps

And that's just the tip of the iceberg! One option that is especially attractive is the ability to work with a personal trainer. Even if you can't afford that, however, you can craft a spectacular workout routine.

At Home

Perhaps you aren't in a place where you can afford a gym or maybe you don't feel comfortable attending one yet. That's fine; just don't let it keep you from weight loss exercises. If you can, invest in a treadmill or elliptical. If you can't, that's no worry. We have some things listed here that you can do in the privacy of your home, most without needing equipment:

•    Squats and lunges
•    Jumping jacks
•    Push up and pull ups
•    Crunches
•    Exercise DVDs
•    Walking in place
•    Yoga

Out And About

Last but not least, you can go to the great outdoors to get some exercise. This is a fantastic option, particularly when you're feeling bored with your routines. There are more choices than we can list, but we've provided a few that we really enjoy:

•    Tennis or racquetball
•    Dancing (even at a club!)
•    Horseback riding
•    Kickboxing
•    Rowing
•    Basketball
•    Marathon training

Some Encouragement

If you're just beginning, you're probably a little nervous. That's normal, but don't let it keep you from making this excellent change in your life. And, then, when you're feeling like you want to give up, take a look back at your progress. Hopefully, that will give you the drive to get back at it and keep those pounds falling off!

Weight Loss through Walking

Everyone who has looked into the issue any at all realizes that it takes more to lose weight and keep it off than just the proper diet. You need to exercise. The problem is that people feel like they don't have time for it. Have you ever noticed that people tend to make time for things that are important to them? Granted, people are busier than ever these days, and making time even for things that are genuinely important to you can be a real challenge, but exercise doesn't need to be lengthy in order to be effective. This article is all about some simple things you can do to make regular exercise a part of your lifestyle going forward.



I know what you're thinking. Nobody really wants to do this. But walking is actually one of the easiest exercises you can do, and at the same time, it's one of the most beneficial! Walk at a decent pace, though. If you walk too slowly, you'll be missing out on some of the benefits of the exercise. Also, you should keep moving for whatever time frame you determine. For example, if you decide you're going to walk for thirty minutes one evening, don't walk for ten, stop, walk for ten more, stop again, and walk for ten more. Walk for thirty minutes.

Find Your Day's “Hidden Opportunities”

Some people, believe it or not, don't think about this, but you can actually exercise anywhere at any time. For example, when you go shopping, break the habit of trying to find the closest parking space you can. That extra bit of walking, even if you don't like it, is good for you. Closely related to this one is that given the choice, you should use the stairs instead of the elevator. Also, if you have the chance, take the bus. You’ll have to walk to the stop, and you'll be doing a good thing for the environment. You might even want to get off a stop or two ahead of time, to give yourself that much more walking opportunity.

Pace Yourself

You're going to want to take it easy starting out, and gradually ramp up. You've probably heard that before, so let us give you some more specific info about that. Maybe for the first week or so, you could set a simple goal of around twenty minutes per day. After that, you could add ten minutes per day, with the eventual goal of walking about an hour every day. That may sound overwhelming now, but if you follow the plan we've just laid out, and stay committed to it, you'll really surprise yourself. Just make sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes, and bring along a bottle of water. As far as the speed goes, you should make it your goal to work up to the point where you can walk between five and six kilometers in your hour. You can do it. We know you can.

The macrobiotic diet:Is it for You?

The word “macrobiotic” is Greek for “long life”. This diet plan consists of eating mostly whole grains. It’s quite different from many other weight loss plans out there – especially low carb diets. The macrobiotic diet supports an Eastern philosophy of balancing the yin and yang by eating certain foods. It’s considered to be more of a lifestyle change than a short-term diet plan.

Practitioners of the diet prefer to eat organically grown foods in the traditional manner, such as steaming, boiling, and baking. It aids in weight loss because it’s high in fiber and low in fat. Fiber is great for digestive health. If you want to lose stomach fat, then this diet is a good choice because of its low fat and high fiber content.

Macrobiotic Diet Food Recommendations

Here are some tips and food recommendations for the macrobiotic diet.

•    50% of your daily diet should consist of brown rice, wheat, barley, corn, barley, rye, etc. Approximately 20% - 30% should consist of vegetables.  The rest of your daily food consumption should include soup, beans, fish, seeds, nuts, and fruits.
•    Some vegetables aren’t recommended. Limit the amount of potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and beets. Eating them sparingly is OKAY. Other foods to avoid include dairies, refined flour, hot spices, and any foods with preservatives.
•    Caffeine is forbidden in the macrobiotic diet. Stimulated drinks don’t provide the “balance” for the diet’s plan philosophy. You can drink a lot of water, juice, and decaffeinated teas.
•    Pastas and noodles are okay in small portions. This might sound like a vegetarian diet plan, but moderate amounts of fish and lean meats are permissible. Use unrefined oils when cooking natural foods.
•    It’s okay to eat a bowl of soup every day. Soups and broths containing soy bean paste, beans, and vegetables are acceptable.
•    Sea vegetables and beans should take up 10% of daily food intake. Sea vegetables include foods such as kelp, hijiki, nori, and Irish moss. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.
•    Macrobiotic diet practitioners never eat anything 3 hours before bedtime. It’s recommended to chew food thoroughly. Count to 50 for every mouthful of food. This helps to create a meditative atmosphere.

Vitamin Supplementation

Don’t try this diet without consulting a dietitian – otherwise you might end up with nutritional deficiencies. Taking a multi-vitamin supplement everyday might be in order, unless you eat a good amount of sea vegetables. Since the macrobiotic diet plan includes very little fish, you could end up with a deficiency of omega 3 fatty acids.


The macrobiotic diet doesn’t address exercise. As a given, though, no diet is complete without some form of moderate exercise. Try to be as active as possible every single day. Just cleaning the house and scrubbing the floors can provide fitness benefits. You might also want to consider engaging in systematic exercise programs like martial arts and yoga.


The macrobiotic diet plan requires a lot of commitment since it’s about making permanent changes to your lifestyle and daily eating habits. If your primary goal is to lose weight then this might not be the diet plan for you. The idea behind this diet is to strive for a long, healthy life. It’s appealing to those who want to take a holistic approach to their well-being.

How to Simplfy Weight Loss

It's so tempting to want a magic fix that will allow you to lose weight easily and quickly. No matter if you need to lose five pounds or over a hundred, it's not always very fun to put in the effort required to drop that weight. Unfortunately, losing weight is something you must be intentional about, and it does necessitate hard work. Happily, we have some great tips that will help you in your journey.

Now, everyone knows that drinking at least eight glasses of water, eating healthy and exercising is the right way to lose weight. Knowing that, however, still leaves you with a lot of questions. Hopefully, the following tips will clear some things up for you.

The Tips

One tip that we've found helpful is to add, not subtract. What that means is that some people believe that getting healthy and losing weight means that you need to completely cut out foods from your diet. Actually, it's best to perhaps limit the amounts of certain foods, while adding in lots of healthy choices. Make sure you add in healthy foods and snacks you really love, so you don't feel like you're being deprived. On a related note, take recipes that you already love and tweak them to make them better for you. For instance, substitute low-fat cheese for the full fat version, or use whole wheat pasta in your spaghetti.

In today's society, portion sizes have never been more out of whack. Just take a trip through any fast food drive through and you'll notice how big the drink cups have gotten. Some of them even require two hands to hold! Educate yourself on what an adult portion actually is. At first, it will most likely shock you, and it may take some getting used to. Keep at it, though, because consuming accurate portions will serve you in good stead.

Finally, listen to your body's cues. Most of us are full before we stop eating. The key factor in accomplishing this is slowing down and savoring your food. That way, your body has time to let you know that you're full, and you can refrain from overeating. Pair this tip along with accurate portion sizes, and you could potentially lose weight just from those two changes.

Get Moving

If you really want to jump start your weight loss regimen, however, pair eating right with exercise. If you're the type who hates exercise, start slow. Take a nice walk around your neighborhood when it's lovely out. Perhaps you hate running and walking, so you've never ventured out into other activities. There are tons of activities that will get you active, and you're sure to find something you actually enjoy doing. Maybe you're best in the water. For you, swimming or water aerobics should be on the top of your list. Whatever you enjoy, find it, and get moving!

In Conclusion

Let's face it. Losing weight takes effort and dedication. It doesn't have to be miserable, though. If you employ these tips, you can shed those pounds while eating food you enjoy and being active in exercises you actually like doing.

3 Weight Loss Diets You May Not Know

There is a wide world of options out there when it comes to ways to lose weight. Many of these options are offered specifically to women. There are various diets, exercise programs, and even surgical options all aimed at a woman's desire to lose weight. You may feel overwhelmed as you try to sort them all out in an effort to decide which ones are right for you. We're here to help. For now, we're going to focus on diets. We'll take a look at the various diets that are out there and consider their pros and cons in an effort to help you decide which one might be best for you.

The DASH Diet

The DASH diet can be particularly effective for older women. Because it's one of the healthier and safer options, people with heart disease or high blood pressure that want to lose weight are often encouraged to pursue this particular option. The basic idea behind the DASH diet is that you should consume fewer calories than you burn. There are resources to help you track this, so you don't end up with surpluses or deficits. If you follow this diet, you will also be reducing your intake of sugars, salt, red meat, and fat.

The Slim-Fast Weight Loss Program

This is a pretty famous option, thanks to the extensive television campaign that has been used to advertise. It has proven quite effective for many people, and it's best suited for women who need to lose more than twenty pounds. Based on a 1200 calorie diet, this program features products which you consume in lieu of two of your daily meals, leaving you free to consume up to five hundred calories for dinner. Medical professionals have evaluated this diet and deemed it both healthy and safe.

The Seventeen Day Diet

Similarly to the slim-fast weight loss program, the seventeen day diet is commercially available. This program is finite, and is geared simply toward weight loss, as opposed to a permanent lifestyle change. Its name is a bit of a misnomer, as it actually consists of four phases, each of which last its own seventeen days, for a total of sixty-eight. The seventeen day diet's phases are called “cycles.” This diet is not for everyone, but it can be followed by a majority of women without any major problems. It's best to consult a physician before you begin any diet plan.

There are a number of other considerations when it comes to weight loss besides just diet. This is true of both men and women. Diet is the most pertinent factor, and it's what most people think of first when they initially begin considering weight loss options. The second one most people think of is equally important, and that's an exercise regimen. If yours has so far been an inactive lifestyle, you're going to want to change that. For most people, finding a diet plan that works for them along with an exercise regimen they can commit themselves to will be all it takes to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.