Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Weight Loss through Walking

Everyone who has looked into the issue any at all realizes that it takes more to lose weight and keep it off than just the proper diet. You need to exercise. The problem is that people feel like they don't have time for it. Have you ever noticed that people tend to make time for things that are important to them? Granted, people are busier than ever these days, and making time even for things that are genuinely important to you can be a real challenge, but exercise doesn't need to be lengthy in order to be effective. This article is all about some simple things you can do to make regular exercise a part of your lifestyle going forward.



I know what you're thinking. Nobody really wants to do this. But walking is actually one of the easiest exercises you can do, and at the same time, it's one of the most beneficial! Walk at a decent pace, though. If you walk too slowly, you'll be missing out on some of the benefits of the exercise. Also, you should keep moving for whatever time frame you determine. For example, if you decide you're going to walk for thirty minutes one evening, don't walk for ten, stop, walk for ten more, stop again, and walk for ten more. Walk for thirty minutes.

Find Your Day's “Hidden Opportunities”

Some people, believe it or not, don't think about this, but you can actually exercise anywhere at any time. For example, when you go shopping, break the habit of trying to find the closest parking space you can. That extra bit of walking, even if you don't like it, is good for you. Closely related to this one is that given the choice, you should use the stairs instead of the elevator. Also, if you have the chance, take the bus. You’ll have to walk to the stop, and you'll be doing a good thing for the environment. You might even want to get off a stop or two ahead of time, to give yourself that much more walking opportunity.

Pace Yourself

You're going to want to take it easy starting out, and gradually ramp up. You've probably heard that before, so let us give you some more specific info about that. Maybe for the first week or so, you could set a simple goal of around twenty minutes per day. After that, you could add ten minutes per day, with the eventual goal of walking about an hour every day. That may sound overwhelming now, but if you follow the plan we've just laid out, and stay committed to it, you'll really surprise yourself. Just make sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes, and bring along a bottle of water. As far as the speed goes, you should make it your goal to work up to the point where you can walk between five and six kilometers in your hour. You can do it. We know you can.

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